
AM Browser server

In case http://<node_server_ip>:8888 does not work:

  1. Open a command window and enter services.msc, make sure there is an HPE am-browser-service service and make sure its status is "Running".
  2. Go to the <node_server>\log folder, open ambrowser.log.YYYY-MM-DD to check the detailed information.

If you do not see the following messages in the log files, the HPE am-browser-service service is not installed correctly and you can try to re-install the service.

{"level":"info","message":"[server] Set db folder to ./db","timestamp":"2016-07-08T06:07:03.827Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[server] App listening HTTPS on port 8443","timestamp":"2016-07-08T06:07:03.876Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[server] App listening HTTP on port 8888","timestamp":"2016-07-08T06:07:03.876Z"}

AM REST server

If the Node server is started up, but you cannot log on with the correct username and password, there may be an issue on the REST Server. You can:

  1. Open a command window and enter services.msc, Make sure there is an HPE am-browser-rest-service service and make sure its status is "Running".
  2. Make sure your ODBC connection is created successful. To do this, open c:\windows\system32\odbcad32.exe and check configuration.
  3. Go to <Rest_Server_DIR>\apache-tomcat-8.0.18\logs and open stdout.log or stderr.log for detailed information.

If you still cannot figure out what is wrong with your configuration, you can pack your Node Log and Rest Log and send them to


AM Browser displays messages and saves details in Message History (Header > User menu > Message History).

Message types are as follows:

Error, Warning or Success message box will display 5 seconds by default. Click it to close.

Service Logs

Log file folders

DSN (Data Source Name)

As for DSN setup, refer to AM installation guide.